Hello, my name is Kazz.
I'm a Developer that spends time coding scripts and making projects and sites.
I've been coding for around 6 years now and still on the road to learn more.
Current coding languages I know well are HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, Python, Lua, Luau, React JS, Assembly and SQL.
I go by any pronouns, But I would like people to just use they/them or she/her if you do not know my pronouns, I also don't really like being misgendered. (Trust me, I know when you're trying to be transphobic and "funny")
Also, Funny thing. People think that all my sites end up violating your privacy and logging your IP- Heads up, This site doesn't, I really don't even do it anymore. If you think that this site has an IP grabber, please look through the code.
Anyways, Haha. This site of course has more pages. You can check them out at the very bottom of the page. I still gotta update some of those pages... Meh. Oh well! I'll do it in 5 months or when people start complaining.
Wateau RP is one of my weird roblox projects, I'm mainly focusing on this project because it seems to be earning me money.. mweheh.. joking, i only earn like 24 robux. Anyways, I suggest checking out the Lore/fandom wiki and such. This game is kinda my main focus because it earned me 100+ visits in the first 1-3 days of being public, Haha. So yeah. It has 60+ players with a Pre-Alpha badge. and a good monthly active user count for now.